Productive App To Help Keep Your Resolutions
Happy New Year! New year, new goals. Right? But goals are not achieved in just a day. Not even a week. And it’s so easy to forget or just give up. I am proud to say I was able to achieve many of my 2019 goals. It was all made possible with the help of so many apps. And one of the apps that I used to keep track of all my goals and all my other apps is the Productive App.
What is the Productive App?
Productive is a free mobile app that can help you build habits over time.
You can use it to list down the tasks and goals you want to achieve routinely. Track your progress. And build new habits.
It is easy to use and free. You can subscribe to the premium services, but frankly the free version of the app is just fine.
The Productive App is available on both iOS and Android OS. Download the app from the App Store at this LINK or from the Google Play Store at this LINK.
Why I Use the App?
I am going to be honest here and say outright the primary reason I chose the Productive App is that it’s pretty. It does not look business-like and boring. And that tricks my brain into thinking it is some sort of game.
Second, it is free. Who does not love free apps, right? I used the Productive app for free for several weeks and I was happy with it. I decided to buy the premium services for one year because I love the app so much and I realized it helps me in staying motivated.
Third, the task or habit tracker keeps me motivated (as already mentioned). Seeing that I have already done something for a number of times keeps me inspired to do it more. So every time I think of deviating, I think about it several times before I do so. And if I do deviate or slack off, I see how many times I did not slack off and I become determined to go right back to my task or habit. It is a great way to positively reinforce my own self.
Finally, it makes organizing my life so much easier. I list down and itemise everything I have to do daily, weekly, and monthly. Color code my tasks and habits according to their category (eg Health and Body, Work, Entertainment). Schedule everything. Remind and alarm me. Insurmountable goals become bite-sized tasks and suddenly it becomes surmountable. Every day becomes much bearable and conquerable.
Basically, the Productive App just makes everything seem doable and actually achievable.
How I Use Productive
First, I list down the tasks I already do or plan on doing regularly. This includes assigning an icon and classifying it according to my color coded categories: Blue for Diet and Exercise, Purple for Work, Yellow for Socialization, and Orange for Self-Care.
Then, tasks are scheduled. I specify if it is a Morning, Afternoon, or Evening task. Morning tasks include morning skincare, logging in to my work hours tracker. Afternoon tasks include reminders to eat fruits and veggies, and practice foreign language exercises. Some evening tasks are evening skincare, reading for 10 minutes, and writing on my gratitude journal.
For some tasks, I set timers. Like I have a timer to make sure that I read for 10 minutes. And a 3 minute timer for my deep breathing exercises. You can also set an alarm for tasks.
There are also tasks that can be done throughout the day such as drinking 8 glasses of water and playing mobile games. You can also list down weekly and monthly tasks. Some of my weekly tasks include cooking at least 2 times a week and taking a Skillshare class at least 3 times a week.
Everyday, I check the app several times a day. I simply slide the task to the right to mark it as done.
Staying Motivated
Once or twice a month, I check my tracker and see if I have been consistent in accomplishing my tasks.
Checking my Productive App log keeps me motivated and inspired. I love competing with myself. And I enjoy seeing my progress. To be honest I have never had a perfect day. But that’s ok because that keeps me motivated towards getting that perfect day.
I adjust schedules when necessary. Add a few tasks. Remove or revise a few. Just note that when you change the schedule of a task, it resets the tracker. So just pause the task and create a new item in your list.
I also have apps for specific work tasks, an app for my water intake, a yoga app, and so much more. But it is the Productive App that keeps everything else organized and centralized.
I highly recommend this app. There is nothing to complain here. It had a bug when it updated a few weeks ago but it was resolved after a few days.
Download the Productive App
To know more about the app, visit the app site at View the app at this LINK. Download the app from the App Store at this LINK or from the Google Play Store at this LINK.
Let me know if you use the app. If you have any questions or need other app suggestions, leave a comment. I would also like to know if you want me to make a video for this app.
Do not forget to subscribe to my Youtube channel at And follow me on social media on Facebook, @riajosedavao on Instagram, and @riajose on Twitter for updates on new gadgets, tech news, sale alerts, and more.
Thanks for sharing this app!
I have though a lot of things that I wanted to do for this year. But i realized that my goals are all over the place. Hope this app can help me organize and achieve my goals for 2020!
(sorry my caps lock key is not turning off on this website for some reason)
I had this app on my old iphone and it was amazing. I now have an andriod so i can’t get it, which is so sad.